Retrofitting for Resilience: understanding options for home adaptation upgrades
Many households in regional Victoria have experienced property damage and health impacts caused by climate-related extreme weather events such as floods, storms and bushfires. Retrofitting for Resilence was a research project undertaken by the Central Victorian...
A climate finance framework: decisive action to deliver on the Paris Agreement
In a new report from the Expert Group on Climate Finance released at COP28, “A climate finance framework: decisive action to deliver on the Paris Agreement”, the authors conclude that the world is “badly off track from the Paris goals. They claim that the primary...
Victorian State of the Environment 2023
Developed every five years by the Commissioner for Environmental Sustainability, the State of the Environment report is an assessment of the health of Victoria’s environment – land, water, air and ecosystems. The 2023 report shows us where we’re doing well and where...
Farmers for Climate Action seeking input on Agriculture and Land Sectoral Plan
Farmers for Climate Action are currently seeking input on the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry discussion paper for the Agriculture and Land Sectoral Plan via an online survey to ensure farmers’ are heard as this Plan is brought together. The survey...
Agriculture and Land Sectoral Plan – feedback sought
The Australian Government is developing a net zero plan which will outline how transitioning to a net-zero economy can be achieved. Six sectoral plans will support this work, including one for agriculture and the land sector. Australia’s agriculture and land sectors...
The Lancet Countdown on Health and Climate Change: The imperative for a health-centered response in a world facing irreversible harms.
The latest annual release of Lancet Countdown on health and climate change, provides alarming new projections revealing soaring health risks of persistent global inaction over the climate emergency According to the report, climate inaction is already costing lives and...
UNEP’s Adaptation Gap Report 2023
The United Nations Environment Programme report - Adaptation Gap Report 2023: Underfinanced. Underprepared – Inadequate investment and planning on climate adaptation leaves world exposed finds that progress on climate adaptation globally is slowing when it should be...
UNU-EHS | Interconnected Disaster Risks 2023
Interconnected Disaster Risks is an annual science-based report from the United Nations University – Institute for Environment and Human Security (UNU-EHS). The 2023 report warns of six tipping points ahead of us and the role climate change plays in pushing us towards...
The 2023 state of the climate report: Entering uncharted territory
An international team of climate scientists have published a report showing the Earth's vital signs have worsened beyond anything humans have yet seen, to the point that life on the planet is imperiled. The report, "The 2023 State of the climate report: Entering...
Hepburn Shire are recruiting for community members to join the Z-NET Roundtable
Hepburn Shire are recruiting for community members to join the Z-NET Roundtable. Hepburn Z-NET is a collaborative partnership that brings together community groups, organisations, community members, experts and Council to help shift the Shire to zero-net energy by...
2023 Intergenerational Report
The 2023 Intergenerational Report projects the outlook of the economy and the Australian Government’s budget to 2062-63. The report considers 5 major forces affecting the coming decades: population ageing technological and digital transformation climate change and the...
It’s official – July 2023 the hottest month on record
The Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S), established by the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts on behalf of the European Commission with funding from the EU, publishes a monthly climate bulletin reporting on the changes observed in global surface...
Is extreme weather pushing home insurance out of reach?
Weathering the Storm: Insurance in a changing climate, a research project commissioned by CHOICE, the Climate Council, Financial Counselling Australia, the Financial Rights Legal Centre, and the Tenants' Union of NSW has found that many Australian homes are being left...
South America experiencing summertime temperatures in the middle of winter
Climate scientists are in disbelief as near 40 degrees Celsius have been recorded in parts of South America at the start of August. These are summertime temperatures in the middle of winter. Experts attribute this South American heatwave to the weather system El Niño...
$442 billion economic loss by 2100: the economic impact of sea level rise and storm surge on Victoria revealed
By the year 2100, the economic impacts of sea level rise and storm surge on Victorian coastline are predicted to result in losses of $442 billion a newly released study reveals. The Kompas report – formally titled, Economic Impacts from Sea Level Rise and Storm Surge...
Have your say on Regional Drought Resilience Planning
Agriculture Victoria is facilitating the development of Regional Drought Resilience Plans to prepare for future droughts. The Plans will help to empower and enable communities to be better prepared and able to manage future dry seasonal conditions and...
Is global electricity transition on track for 1.5 degrees?
Is global electricity transition on track for 1.5 degrees? Ember, an independent energy think tank that uses data-driven insights to shift the world to clean electricity has released it’s fourth annual Global Electricity Review. It provides an up-to-date overview of...
Victorian Climate Resilient Councils program in development to support local governments adapt to climate change
The Victorian Climate Resilience Councils (VCRC) program will support councils across the state to reduce, prepare for, and manage the risks associated with increasing occurrences of heatwaves, storms, flooding and other hazards associated with climate change. The...
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) released a warning to humanity: act now to avoid disaster
The United Nations' official body for assessing climate change - the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change - has released a call to action in their latest synthesis report. The core message of the report is that greenhouse gas emissions need to be reduced...
CSIRO launches CarbonLock to tackle climate change
CSIRO, Australia’s national science agency, has announced the launch of its $20 million research program, CarbonLock, to develop new and innovative ways to remove carbon from the atmosphere and permanently lock it away. CarbonLock is one of a number of programs in...
National Study of the Impact of Climate-Fuelled Disasters on the Mental Health of Australians
Australians are facing increasingly severe and frequent extreme weather disasters driven by climate change. In December 2022, Climate Council, supported by Beyond Blue, undertook an extensive two-part national study designed to better understand the impact of...
Neighbourhood battery initiative
The Neighbourhood Battery Initiative provides funding for pilots, trials and demonstrations of neighbourhood-scale battery ownership and operational models. Victoria’s $10.92 million Neighbourhood Battery Initiative (NBI) supports a range of neighbourhood battery...
XDI Gross Domestic Climate Risk
XDI has released a first-pass analysis of “Gross Domestic Climate Risk,” calculating the physical climate risk to the built environment in over 2,600 territories around the world. The findings underscore the importance of pricing physical climate risk in financial...
OECD – Climate Tipping Point
This OECD report reviews evidence that overshooting 1.5°C may push the earth over several tipping points, leading to irreversible and severe changes in the climate system. If triggered, tipping point impacts will rapidly cascade through socio-economic and ecological...
Mission Australia Youth Survey
Mission Australia conducted their annual survey of youth (15-19 years) challenges, concerns, experiences and barriers to achieving their goals. The environment ranked as their most important issue with a quarter of the 18,800 respondents extremely or very concerned...
State of the Climate report
Continued warming of Australia’s climate, an increase in extreme fire weather and length of the fire season, declining rainfall in southern Australia, and rising sea levels are some of the key trends detailed in the latest State of the Climate report, released by...
Green space in Dimboola created for residents and visitors
Grass, trees and other plants provide a natural cooling effect; Hindmarsh Shire Council have created a new green space for the public alongside the Wimmera River. The new shaded area provides a place for reprieve from the heat during summer.
Innovative adaptation idea is supporting biodiversity
Frogs in East Gippsland moved to urban areas after the 2019/20 bushfires because much of their usual habitat was burnt. Various species have been seeking refuge in backyards, where there is food and unburnt vegetation. You may have heard of bee hotels, but scientists...
New regulations around sale and supply of plastic products in Victoria from February 1 2023
From February 1 2023 regulations will come into effect that ban the sale and supply of single use plastics including plastic cutlery, plates, drinking straws. For more information on the ban, including the rationale behind it go to this article from Sustainability...
Adaptation is underway across the Grampians
This video highlights some examples of local adaptation efforts across the Grampians region. Watch "Our Climate! Are We prepared?" to learn more about projects involving planting trees in urban areas, adopting climate-adapted farming practices and building community...
New Australian Warning System
The Australian Warning System (AWS) is changing the way that information about emergencies and severe weather events is communicated. The System will use nationally consistent icons, so that messaging during emergencies like floods, bushfires, and storms looks the...
New Australian Fire Danger Rating System from 1 September 2022
Australia has recently introduced a consistent, nation-wide fire danger rating system. There are four fire danger rating levels: Moderate, High, Extreme, and Catastrophic. Each level is associated with a colour and an action as...
NSW floods inquiry report released
Significant parts of New South Wales were heavily impacted by storms and flooding in 2022, with 98 Local Government Areas declaring disaster. The flood events occurring in February to March of 2022 in New South Wales and south-east Queensland have been labelled as the...
‘False Autumn’ in Britain is a warning sign of broader climate change impacts
Heatwaves in Britain have led to a stress response in trees in the country, causing early leaf fall and creating the illusion that autumn has begun. Fruit ripening as early as June and leaves turning yellow and orange well before the end of Summer are also signs of...
Retreat and relocation of high-risk properties may be the last option for adaptation
The increasing frequency of severe weather events such as floods, storms, heatwaves, drought and fire may require that people and assets permanently move away from high-risk areas. Honorary Associate Professor at Australian National University, Tayanah O'Donnell says...
United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP27) and climate adaptation
In July 2022 at the Sydney Energy Forum Mahmoud Mohieldin urged that the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP27) in November needs to focus on climate adaptation. "He said both the scientific community and the general public were now well aware of the...
Adapt Grampians Yearly Delivery Plan Project nominated for Premier’s Sustainability Awards 2022
The Community Conversations project is one of several Adapt Grampians projects. Project leaders, Buloke and Northern Grampians Landcare, have been nominated for the Community Champion award for this project in the 'Thriving Environment' category of the Premier's...
Find out about a family living off grid in Mollongghip
Mollongghip is a small town in the Central Highlands and Goldfields region in Victoria. For one family, living off grid is the new normal. Find out more here. Michael Robinson acheived his goal of "a sustainable building that would take care of my family and take care...
Adapting to impacts on food production and supply
With increasing frequency of extreme weather events such as storms, floods, and fires, more Australian farmers are adopting practices like protected cropping. For more information check out this article "Protected cropping allows farmers to control the environment of...
Climate change is impacting cyclones
Cyclone frequency, distribution and intensity are changing Research led by Federation University’s Dr Savin Chand shows a link between decreased number of tropical cyclones and global warming - Research shows tropical cyclones have decreased alongside...
Joseph Majkut weighs in on IPCC report
Climate risk expert Maarten van Aalst talks with Joseph Majkut, CSIS Energy Security and Climate Change Program Director, about key findings from the latest report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)...
Climate change impacts on food supply
Empty supermarket shelves have become almost commonplace in Australia over the past few months, as floods and COVID have converged to break down our supply chains.So what do our supply chains look like in a changing climate, especially in light of the latest...
ANU study finds that adaptation is key
The latest Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report warns of the effects of climate change to all parts of the world, all sectors and people in a variety of settings. Report co-author and IPCC Vice Chair, Professor Mark Howden from The Australian...
Victoria’s wheat crops and climate change
Monash University recently shared about the findings of investigations into the impact of climate change on wheat yields and farm profitability in Victoria's major grain-producing regions - the Mallee and Wimmera regions. Australia’s agricultural sector is a major...
Green Blue Infrastructure Guide for Small Towns
As part of the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning Yearly Delivery Plan Projects, the Integrated Water Management Planning for small towns across the Central Highlands region was funded in 2020. To address the impacts of climate change, this project...
Adaptation Action Plans
Seven landmark Climate Change Adaptation Action Plans and a new publication, Building Victoria’s Climate Resilience have been announced by the Victorian Government. The plans set out current and future actions for seven key sectors, which are defined by Victoria’s...
David Drage, Farmer
Adaptation is protecting agricultural land, managing risks and profitability, resilience, and opportunities in a changing climate. David Drage, a farmer located north-east of Warracknabeal, is part of the Regional Climate Adaptation Group who led the development of...
Air Capture machine helping to adapt to climate change
The world's first commercial direct air capture (DAC) plant is designed to remove thousands of tonnes of greenhouse gas every year and then inject it deep underground. Find out about Direct Air Capture in the ABC news article here.
Peter Gell, Professor of Environmental Science
In the Grampians region, Adaption is collaboration between the state government, local government, agencies, industry and communities including Tradition Owner corporations, water corporations, catchment management authorities and others to adapt to a changing...
Empowering communities to respond to climate change
Victorian communities across the state are being empowered to prepare and adapt to the impacts of climate change with the development of six new community-led action plans. The Regional Adaptation Strategies provide practical ways for communities to adapt to the...
Miami’s first Chief Heat Officer
Jane Gilbert recently stepped into a job that had never been established before. In May, she became Miami-Dade County’s chief heat officer, the first in the U.S. — and in the world. Read more about Miami's first Chief Heat Officer at
Restoring habitat on marginal farming land
A national plan to restore habitat on marginal farming land would fight climate change, prevent species loss and put money in farmers’ pockets, according to a team of University of Queensland-led scientists. The research has been published in the Journal of Applied...
Climate Risk Governance Guide
You can download a copy of the Climate Risk Governance Guide here. This guide is an introductory resource for directors on climate change risk governance. It provides a plain-language introduction to fundamental climate change concepts, and considers this issue in the...
Hannah French talks about the Future Surface exhibition
Despite the challenges of 2020/21 and the re-schedule and then cancellation of the official launch, the Future Surface augmented reality exhibition was displayed around Horsham for community members to enjoy. Part of the 'Art is..' festival, supported by the...
Food waste and climate change
Tackling food waste is vital to reducing carbon emissions and should be at the forefront of Australia’s climate policies, advocates say. It is estimated that 7.3 million tonnes of food is wasted in Australia each year, costing the economy more than $20 billion...
Resilience roles go mainstream in the US
‘Chief resilience officer' was a novel title a decade ago but is now a fixture across many major city and county governments in America seeking to address the impacts of climate change and related adaptation challenges. Find out more about the 100 Resilience Cities...
How communities in QLD are adapting
Climate change means more floods, fires and heatwaves. Some communities in Queensland are adapting including Logan City, south of Brisbane, which has been recognised for its urban greening efforts. They increased the city's tree canopy by 12 per cent, going from 41...
Making solar panels more efficient
An ideal scenario in Sydney has allowed researchers to compare the efficiency of solar panels on roofs when surrounded by green plants, or sitting directly on the roof. Details of the study, led by Peter Irga from the University of Technology Sydney and funded by the...
Climate and Fire Risk: CFA and BOM research
Human-induced climate change is the most likely driver behind Australia’s earlier and longer fire seasons, according to new research by CFA and Bureau of Meteorology researchers. Visit the CFA news site to find out more about research into 44 years of fire weather...
IPCC release Sixth Assessment Report
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is the United Nations body for assessing the science related to climate change. The IPCC was created to provide policymakers with regular scientific assessments on climate change, its implications and potential...
How farmers on the Eyre Peninsula are adapting
If the climate becomes drier, farmers in some parts of the Eyre Peninsula could find it harder to make a living. But they’re already adapting to an uncertain future of climate change and dwindling townships. ABC Science Report Belinda Smith shares about Farmers...
How has farm productivity been impacted by climate change?
According to Abares Insights, Issue 3 2021 the shift towards higher temperatures and lower winter rainfall has had significant effects on many farmers. Find out more about the effects of recent and possible future changes in climate in the profitability of Australian...
Building a climate-resilient Victoria
The Victorian Government is preparing Adaptation Action Plans to build our climate resilience in areas either vulnerable to climate change impacts or essential to ensure Victoria is prepared. These areas or ‘systems’ are Primary Production, Built...
Hepburn aims for zero-net emissions
Hepburn Shire is Victoria’s first Z-NET community, planning for a transition to net zero energy by 2025 and net zero emissions by 2030. The main towns in Hepburn Shire are Clunes, Creswick, Daylesford, Glenlyon, Hepburn Springs and Trentham. The Zero Net Emission...
Rainbow weather station
Following the identification of a gap in the country’s weather radar network, the Bureau of Meteorology, Agriculture Victoria, Wimmera Development Association and other key community partners have worked together to establish a weather radar for the Wimmera Southern...
East Grampians Rural Pipeline
GWMWater and the Ararat Rural City, Pyrenees and Norther Grampians councils have partnered to deliver a stock and domestic water supply pipeline in the East Grampians region. The benefits of this pipeline will contribute to climate adaptation through improved,...
Managing fire risk on farms – tools, tips, resources and a seasonal update
Register for the Agriculture Victoria Climate Webinar - Managing fire risk on farms - tools, tips, resources and a seasonal update Every farm and farming business is unique, being well prepared for bushfires can assist farm businesses to recover faster. Planning and...
Climate Ready Australia National Summit
Griffith University's Climate Action Beacon and Climate Ready Initiative present the inaugural Climate Ready Australia National Summit—two days of thought leadership and capability-building. The summit will focus on sharing knowledge and building capacity for climate...
Regional Zero Emissions Forum, 16th March 2023
The Regional Zero Emissions Forum will be held at the Castlemaine Town Hall on Thursday 16th March, 2023. This event aims to bring together local government, community, and business representatives from across the Loddon Campaspe, Mallee, and Grampians regions to...
Junior Landcare photo competition open until end of October
A photo competition with prizes for winners is open to all Australian residents under the age of 18. There are four themes in the Junior Landcare 'What's in you your backyard" photo competition - Biodiversity, Food Production, First Nations Perspectives and Waste...
Webinar to explain what new emissions reductions targets mean for farmers
Farmers for Climate Action have organised a webinar to explain the implications of a new emissions target of 43% by 2030. The impacts and opportunities for farmers relating to the new policies, set to pass in Senate in coming weeks, will be discussed. The webinar is...
Nature Expo on Sunday September 11 2022 in Ballarat
Do you want to know more about environmental volunteering opportunities in the Central Highlands? The Environmental Volunteers and Agency Network and Victorian Environment Friends Network have collaborated to offer the Caring for...
Are you a young person who is passionate about the environment?
NextGen Landcare are running a free online national forum on Tuesday 23 August for young people aged 18 and under wanting to explore how they can connect with other like-minded young people and work towards making a positive impact on the environment. Teachers and...
Flood Education Sessions in Horsham
The Victorian State Emergency Service is helping to inform people about flooding. What: There is a community flood information session about Horsham's flood risk and mitigation strategies for residents When: 12pm - 4pm on Sunday 21st August Anyone can drop in during...
Are you interested in biodiversity and ensuring better biodiversity outcomes?
The Wimmera Biodiversity Seminar is an annual event held in the Wimmera region of Victoria showcasing expert and local knowledge. This year's Wimmera Biodiversity Seminar - The Image of Biodiversity - will be held in Pomonal on Thu 1 September 2022. The focus will be...
Let’s Talk About the Weather
Landcare Buloke and Northern Grampians and Make a Change Australia, bring you LET'S TALK ABOUT THE WEATHER with support from DELWP and in partnership with Greentime Nursery, Community Resource Centre, Kara Kara Regnerative Agriculture Group, and St Arnaud Raillery...

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We acknowledge the First Nations Peoples of the land and waters that we live, care and work upon within the Grampians Region. We respect the continuous culture that has been embedded into history for thousands of years. We pay our respects to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.