Adaptation is preparing for earlier and longer seasons of more intense and widespread fire

Fire activity in the Grampians Region is growing more frequent and severe. Spring seasons are overall growing hotter and drier, while rainfalls generally are declining or arriving later. The imperative for adaptation is to support prevention and preparedness efforts on private land and make investments in fire-prone communities. This will include innovations in building, land and water management approaches and increasing resilience of communities. These may draw on traditional knowledge, local practices and research.

Adaptation plans and actions already underwayLead agency
Municipal emergency management plansLocal governments across the Region
Grampians Regional Emergency Management PlanRegional Emergency Management Planning Committee (REMPC)
State Emergency Management PlanEmergency Management Victoria (EMV)
Fire emergency responseCountry Fire Authority (CFA), Fire Rescue Victoria (FRV) and Forest Fire Management Victoria (FFMV)
Victorian Traditional Owner Cultural Fire StrategyVictorian Traditional Owner Cultural Fire Knowledge Holder Group
Goathand CooperativeHepburn Shire Council with Federation University
Strategic Bushfire Management PlanningDELWP, CFA and FRV
Community Based Bushfire ManagementDELWP, CFA and FRV
Community FireguardCFA
Victorian Emergency Management ReformEMV


Leading opportunities

  • Increase fire resistance of the built environment.
  • Improve the resilience of fire prone communities so they can recover more quickly if impacted by fire.
  • Early detection, response and monitoring of fires.
  • Embedding climate change researchers within disaster risk management agencies.
  • Sustaining the volunteer base of rural and remote communities is essential for social and economic recovery from Covid and other shocks.
  • Sharing of cultural burning knowledge and practice maintained by Traditional Owners.
  • Streamline replacement and compensation arrangements for households that get burnt out (especially where no permit to rebuild is likely, due to fire risk).

Main barriers

  • Dwindling populations in rural and remote communities reduce available personnel.
  • Earlier onset of fire seasons leading to fire fighter exhaustion.
  • Availability of water for fire-fighting due to sustained drought.
  • Public apathy on undertaking prevention works around homes and properties.
  • Public resistance to alternate fuel management options such as mechanical harvesting to reduce fuel.
  • Health impacts associated with smoke from bushfires and planned burning.

Stephen Walls from Country Fire Authority (CFA)

Glenn Rudolph from Forest Fire Management Victoria




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We acknowledge the First Nations Peoples of the land and waters that we live, care and work upon within the Grampians Region. We respect the continuous culture that has been embedded into history for thousands of years. We pay our respects to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.